HONOUR launches "5S" special action

Release Date: 2021-07-05author:HONOUR

In order to cooperate with the company's Corporate Culture Construction, enhance the company's external and internal image, and continuously optimize and deepen the management work, our company ( HONOUR Pharmaceutical Equipment Co., Ltd.) launched a special "5S" action in May 2021. The introduction of "5S" management elements and steps focuses on updating concepts,Break through existing management bottlenecks. Through the application of "5S" management method, improve the quality of all employees, stabilize and improve the service quality.


Recently, the "5S" inspection team composed of various management personnel of the company inspected the implementation results of the "5S. The "5S" action has achieved certain results since its implementation. At the same time, the inspection team also put forward targeted opinions on the problems that need to be rectified and improved to help enterprises realize the overall optimization of the management process.


"5S" management is a long-term persistent process. Through "5S" management, the company's on-site environment has been improved, and a good work style of positive, continuous improvement and continuous improvement has been established among all employees, so that employees can feel a good atmosphere of positive and enterprising and full of confidence in the enterprise.


Preciseness is an attitude. Only preciseness and pragmatism can strive for perfection. HONOUR people are dedicated and meticulous. They do every detail well and create extraordinary quality.

